Monday, October 26, 2009

Big Sister

There has been ALOT of baseball between May and October!

I took my little sister to a Phillies game at the end of the season. Taking a young child to a game is always fun... a totally different perspective than I'm used to.

Sticking with the little sister perspective...

She showed me an essay that she wrote for school discussing her relationship with me over the past 3 years since she joined the Big Brothers Big Sisters program.

Wow ... that about sums it up. I've always been quick to note that it is arguable who gets more out of the situation, me or her. By reading her essay, she understands the depth of what she is getting out of the situation well beyond what I ever imagined. Never underestimate the thought processes of today's youth. While on the surface their thoughts can appear simple / somewhat self absorbed, they really do get everything below the surface.

Missing Again

I've gone missing again ... This time for 5 months?! No excuses / no explaining, it's time to get back to normal.

There is something overly calming about a grey day spent at the shore. I've explained this plenty before in the blog.

Sitting on a rock on a brisk fall evening, wrapped in a sweatshirt and watching the sunset ... there really is no better place. I've always said that I could never live in a state so far removed from the coast. How do those people do it, I wonder? Part of me thinks that they do not know what they are missing, and part of me realizes that they have other things to fill the gap. Not for me though.

Mother nature and her power expressed through the mass expanse of the ocean will always have a special place in my heart.