Wednesday, May 30, 2007

She works hard for her money...

Allison and I spent the morning surveying at a SEPTA regional rail station. It'll prove to be a fun project...another one of those good bones rehab projects.

"Keep knocking, and the joy inside will eventually open a window and look out to see who's there."
>>> RUMI

Oh..another random thought...

My friend Dave posed an interesting question to this Jersey Girl..."What do you like better; Jersey Corn or Jersey Tomatoes?"

This born and raised Jerz girl loves them both. Going over to the local farm and picking out fresh corn on a summer afternoon...coupled with the first crisp juicey bite is always an enticing memory. Then again, picking nice ripe Jersey tomatos out of my parents garden as a child with the thrilling anticpation of fresh tomato salad can't be beat. After a long internal debate followed by the insight of a few choice Jersey folk...I've made my decision. In the end...I love Jersey Tomatoes more. There is nothing like biting into a bright red tomato on a hot summer afternoon. Maybe it's the Italian heritage, maybe it's the jersey upbringing...either way I can't live without tomatoes!

How about you?

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Work Work Work

Lush spring morning in the park. Gotta love it.

"Tiger got to hunt, bird got to fly; Man got to sit and wonder, 'Why, why, why?' Tiger got to sleep, bird got to land; Man got to tell himself he understand."

>>>Kurt Vonnegut
Cat's Cradle

Memorial Day

Keeping with many a Memorial Day tradition: I drove home from the shore...picked up the little sis and headed to the folks for a Memorial Day BBQ.

"Thank you to our veterans of war for helping keep America free. Happy Memorial Day!"

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Food and Friends

Yup, you guessed it. Sunday was another day filled with the beach and friends. Although, I must admit that we got a late start due to the alcohol intake the evening before.

One more day, then back to the daily grind of work work and more work.

Beach by Day, Drinks by Night

Who's that guy??? Wait, it's ok...he's only the best dude a girl could ask to be her friend. After a long day on the beach we hit up North Wildwood for some overpriced beer and more good times. The guys were pleasantly occupied with the unending parade over scantily clad hot girls that were making their way into the bar.

Obviously we enjoyed our liquor followed by some after hours pizza and a clown car ride home.

After arriving back at the house...we grabbed some beers and went down to the beach. We sat on a bench...drank and had the perfect end to the evening...

Beach Buddies

Saturday quickly resembled Friday. Up early and more beach time. Saturday was spent in the chilly ocean, on the cool sand, tossing around the firsbee and footballs...overall more good relaxing friend time.

Quote of the day "Sweetheart, if you break my glasses you owe me $500.00. Why don't you go play over there...blah blah blah" - Grouchy old man. What I wanted to say, but bit my tongue "If I give you $500.00 can I break your glasses?"

Shore Thing!!!

Kudos to my fellow spontaneous friends!!! I got the crazy idea at the beginning of the week that as shore trip for Memorial Day weekend would be the perfect segway into summer while a relaxing weekend away from the stresses of home.
So on Wednesday I found and booked us an awesome new construction beach block condo, and Thursday evening we were at the beach!!!
Pretty much the perscription for the weekend was beach beach and some more beach.
Friday.... up early, go grocery shopping, pack lunches and hit the beach.
Let's day consisted of lounging around on the beach, tossing around a frisbee, reading...more laying around, basically relaxing. We travelled into Cape May for some good seafood dinner and then chilling at the house with some awesome company.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

More Rule Breaking

So, I have an extra picture in here, but it's not mine. You should all check out my friend Gina's blog. She's also experimenting with my Photo a Day task.

Anyway, she just returned from an Alaskan cruise and has posted some amazing pictures!!!

Bridge may be Icey

This is an old subject, but new picture. This image is of the bridge I made for our structures class way back when we could all still call ourselves students. This techno color popsicle stick wonder was an engineering feat. I sits on my desk at the office and has turned into quite the conversation piece. My boss likes to quiz the consulting engineers when they come by..."how much do you think it will hold?". Well, I misjudged myself...I wouldn't even stand on the thing prior to testing it. HA, was I wrong...the bridge held 1,500 lbs (now I'm brave enough to jump on it!).

One of these days I'll throw it out...until then it's home is at the office.

Friendly Neighbors

Nothing says "Hi neighbor, let's be friends" more than a barbed wire topped fence complete with its own dead vegetation between two properties.

I'm conjuring up thoughts of the Capulet and Montague neighborly love.



The trees have fully bloomed. Looking up at the sky now creates quite a different experience. The sky fades into the background and life is all you see.

Everyone should stop and look up through the trees today!!!

Hmmm... that's my new motto! Who needs needs "stop and smell the roses". I propose "stop and look up through the trees". Try it, it brings a smile across my face every time (even the faintest smirk).

Monday, May 21, 2007

Lazy Days

After an excruciatingly long and busy weekend...I arrived home last night to Franklin rolling around on the rug in the hall to keep himself occupied. There are times I wish I could be them...the simplest of pleasures will occupy them for hours. Dozing off, I was consumed with thoughts of how very different my life has become.

Stairs are made for climbing...

Let me start off with a disclaimer... I know many of you will have strong opinions about the image posted. I wanted to post it, and I make the rules around, moving on...

After 9 years of collegiate study, Mr. Mello has finally wrapped up his college career. Kudos to all the JD recipients and best of luck studying for the bar.

If there is one thing that I have learned since leaving the academic realm, it is that education from that point forward lays in the palm of your hands. Scary, yes; but at the same time it's pretty exciting. Your realm of knowledge is completely up to you. How one choses to make themselves a well rounded individual from that point forward speaks a lot towards their character and integrity.

Enjoy climbing the's an amazing ride full of choices.

PC Slave!

Finally...I'm back in business. I got my new laptop this weekend...and it is a thing of beauty. I was quite close to being swayed into the Mac world. As usual, overanalytical Trish determined that a PC was still in her best interest. I would like to thank AutoCAD for helping me make my decision... seriously a $5,000.00 piece of'd think they could make it available for both platforms.

Friday, May 18, 2007


The painter has just about finished up at the office. The yellow color is at my desk

I've always enjoyed yellow...maybe b/c it reminds me of a bright sunny day and lemonade. Those two things conjure up many fond memories.


Back to summertime...

Wednesday evening I waited out the rain to watch a pretty amazing baseball game.

Hamels struck out 11 batters and pitched 6 no hit innings. The fans were very energetic...getting caught up in the excitement is part of what makes baseball games so much fun.

Also, good cheap tickets can be found in section 420...up high, but right behind homeplate!
Let's continue with hidden urban gems...

One of my favorite parts about Philadelphia is that hidden behind the very standardized brick facades that make up the cities street scape are very unique and original rear yards. These rear yards comprise of parking, gardens, additions or as shown above...hidden heavens.

Fern Fern Fern

This is my urban green space. Outside my window at work there is a little fern garden that pops up every year, no matter how much they are cleaned up. I admire the persistent little suckers...

If only we all could pick ourselves up and flourish once someone has killed you repeated times.

Grill it Up

Warm weather has me yearning for all things summer. Lazy afternoons sitting in the grass reading a good book...shore trips...frisbee...grilling...urban

You get the idea!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Yes, I must admit...I'm breaking the rules big time here...

Not only am I late, but the pic isn't mine and I've posted quite a few. that my little confession is out of my system, let's get on to bigger and better things. Saturday was AMAZING. The annual crawfish boil went well...the only hitch being the rain. Let me tell you...the party goers were quite the troopers!!! Everyone squeezed under some tents and continued to eat and drink!!! Just about all 60lbs were consumed over the course of 7 hours. This year was definitely one for the ages...we'll always talk about the one in the rain. I look forward to next year!!!!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Space, I need Space...

Eureka, we've found available space.

Today, Thursday, is about anticipation...
I'm eagerly anticipating the crawfish boil this weekend. It'll be a great time had by all, wait around for some fun pictures!!!

Nothing like 40 people, warm spring air, 60 lbs of crawfish, lots of beer and outdoor activities to kick off the spring season!!! The exclamation points cannot even express the pent up excitement!!!

For those of you who cannot make it...plan to partake in the great outdoor spring event part II. Saturday, June 2nd we're going to tailgate all afternoon for the evening Phillies game.

Wonderful Weather

Coffee in the kids park.

Wednesday morning prior to a presentation, I grabbed a quick cup of coffee while enjoying the sights and sounds of kids at play. I love working in town when the weather affords little luxuries such as this.

Bracelets to Match Moods!

My little sis and I hung out at the library this past weekend. Being pretty stylish ladies, we were both sporting our obscenely bright bracelets. I in the purple lucite, she in the yellow slap bracelet.

Saturday was all about embracing our inner mathematicians...we took out books and spent an hour on the computer doing math games!!!


Let's see...about me: I'm the girl who is always chasing. Chasing her own renaissance. I love to find the beauty in things ordinary and everyday. I enjoy volunteering and making a difference one tiny step at a time. I'm always learning and yearning for more information. I feel like my brain lacks the capacity to take in everything that's out there...but that's what makes each day fun! I'm the girl no one else can be...I am me.

Monday, May 7, 2007

New View

Since the office is being repainted, we've been playing musical desks. This week I moved to the front of the office. It has it's perks and down falls. Downfall being that it's open to the lobby, my day is interrupted by everyone coming in and out. Mega bonus: the view...this is the view beyond my computer. Pretty sweet!

It makes me want to go out and play!!!

Ladies Night

Dinner, dancing and good company...

What more could a girl ask for?


The Philadelphia Mural Arts Program is a pioneering group that started out fighting the graffiti that tarnished the city. It has since evolved into the leading publicly funded mural program. (I'm still amazed the screwed up government has managed to keep the program publicly funded!)

I'm here to speak out against those who devalue the program. I've heard many note the programs biggest downfalls. They feel the program is a sign of urban blight...traditionally the murals appear in blighted neighborhoods. You don't see too many murals hanging around Society Hill or Rittenhouse. Rightfully so, the mural appear in the areas that venture to gain the most out of them. The murals replace signs of urban decay (just b/c they mask the decay, doesn't mean they now too are a sign of decay).

The program also pounds the pavement. They teach the cities youth about the value of art and appreciation of the built environment. Working as a collaboration between artists, city youth, as well as prosecuted vandals of graffiti the program has been making huge strides to make Philadelphia beautiful.

So, today I pay homage to the great work of this program.

More Water Towers

Two abandoned water towers hanging out in the urban fabric.

" We stand today poised on a pinnacle of wealth and power, yet we live in a land of vanishing beauty, of increasing ugliness, of shrinking open space and of an overall environment that is diminished daily by pollution and noise and blight. This, in brief, is the quiet conservation crisis."

-Stewart L. Udall

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Random Vegetation

In my old age, my short term memory is starting to slip. Yesterday's image is some sort of fuzzy pine cone.

A coworker brought it in from outside and left it on my desk. To this day, I still cannot find the tree or anything resembling this.

Does anyone have a clue? Any closet botanists out there?


I've lost a few days worth of pictures...

My laptop has been stolen...F**K Delaware. Someone's shitty karma needs to stop following me around. Losing my computer is quite a pain in the ass. It means longer hours at work because I'm unable to take work home. On the bright side, at least I'll get a new toy...and will no longer lend it out. That is, unless it's handcuffed directly to the borrower with a tracking devise on their ankle (you know house arrest style)!!!

Hopefully, I'll go out this weekend and get a new one. Stay tuned... I'll post a Thursday picture today.

Nothing like killing you with lots of back posts!

Urban Icons Part II

More on potential Urban Icons...

Every Saturday on my way to RTM I walk along the old abandoned Reading Railroad Viaduct.

It's another one of those great bones, great potential to be something wonderful and unique parts of Philadelphia that has yet to be tapped. This raised rail bed ran all the way to the old Reading Terminal train shed (now the convention center), but has since been sheared off at Vine Street.

We studied the Viaduct in an Urban Planning Studio, and let me tell's wonderful. It's currently over grown, in shambles and not very safe. On the good side, it's raised off the street bed, is a major artery to center city and affords amazing views. It would be wonderful to see it transformed into a lush raised park space that even has buildings up against it, taking advantage of the dual "ground levels".

How great would it be to sit outside in little a cafe or byob raised up and away from the street traffic of the city?

Slllllooooooowwwww Motion

So, I know people have been saying: What's with this girl...her photo a day blog is hardly photo a day!

Well, this mass transit loving, kayak coveting urban aficionado has indeed dropped the ball. Friday's picture is of my daily train ride. A little grainy but you get the idea.

Life is a bit up in the air at the moment... I have some serious decisions to make. I'm actually forcing myself to let go a bit and let the decision "flow". I tend to be over analytical to the point of utter confusion at times.

So...we'll see where the wind blows me, if at all. Will I sit tight or be blown across the river??? I can't wait to find out.