Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Springtime tulips, how I love them.

What are you looking at?

I just thought Mr Pelican was funny looking.
He was just hanging out and people watching (he must not have been too hungry).


Welcome to one of my happy places. I've already been able to knock quite a few things off of my summer resolutions list (and I haven't even posted it yet)!

Hmmm .... some quick thoughts of my goals:
Bike riding in Valley Forge National Park
Kayaking trip in western PA
Beach - 10 times
Read at least 10 books: stimulate my mind
Purge things that have been sitting in closets
In Situ exhibit at the MOMA
FLW exhibit at the Guggenheim
Collect old wool sweaters for new projects

That's enough to get me started for now, I haven't really thought about it too much as of yet.


Why buy Gulden's if it's not spicey brown mustard? I had no idea they even made yellow mustard.
Wow, what a hole I must have been in the few decades. Either way, it was an interesting surprise on a recent bar trip.


Happiness in nature! Gotta love the heartshaped rock! Now, if only I can find more time to go hiking in the coming month ...

If not, this will have to hold me over.


Nothing like starting wedding season relaxing in the DR! Man what a May/June, it is booked solid?! I need to sideline all things hobby related, just to fit everything else in. It has been / will be filled with travelling, baseball, crawfish, graduations, weddings, baby showers, new babies, people moving, spring cleaning ...

Things I hope to fit in, bike riding, beach, fishing (I'm not sure there is room for much else.

Beautiful Colors

One of the green roofs as it is growing this spring. It's quite a beautiful display of color and texture.