Monday, September 8, 2008

Out of Sync

Rather than playing catchup, I think it's time to start new!

Welcome to good times. Kudos to Gina for $2 Riversharks tickets (thanks RU!).

Great evening, beer and dinner at the pub, baseball and fireworks. We slid in just before Hanna and the rain!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Working Hard

This picture is from a nice late winter / early spring day. We hiked to deep southern NJ to review a roofing contractors installation.

It came through in my email earlier today... look at the long hair!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

For good measure

Another campus photo.

Life has been a bit stressful lately. It's to be expected, lots of change can bring lots of adjustment.

I'm pretty successful not letting other people's stress get to me. I just need to stay the course and I'll be ok.

It doesn't get much better...

Deep conversation while lounging in the grass. What more could a girl ask for?

Ba ba bride.

The road trip to CT was a ton of fun. Pictured is the beautiful bride to be opening her presents.

Road tripping with the ladies is always a good time. Some great girl talk, the ever present intervention ... you know, the usual.

Great Times

There is nothing better than a camp / bonfire. I look forward to many more in the future.


I think I may also be addicted to grass?!

It's so pedestrian, yet really can be beautiful. Gosh, what a whirlwind this summer has presented.

Weddings, beaches, fishing, haircuts, surgery, NYC, Nashville, lots of baseball.

The most exciting part is the change to come.

Goodbye Old Friend

I actually parted with the little red Phillies BBQ. As many of you may know, I've been purging my life.

What a great feeling it is. Goodbye extra clothing, shoes, yarn, fabric, chairs (I KNOW) and lots of stuff. Basically, I've purged things that have been stowed in closets and boxes.

I actually think I may be addicted to streamlining my life. I love it so much!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Let me tell you, my addiction is nearing its end. I special ordered myself another batch of zucchini flowers and I cannot wait to go cook them!

It's the end of their season, so I think I will have to dream about them until next summer.

Sweet dreams...

Monday, August 4, 2008

Good Old Days

Wow, I found some pictures from many moons ago! My 21st birthday...

Life is Good

As usual, simplicity. Just when I thought I was back to basics, I decided to take another step back.

Moving forward to get back to where I want to be. It's the motto of the summer.

Simple pleasures, I'm not hard to please.


This photo brings me back to my childhood. I remember a seagull swooping down and taking my pb and jelly right out of my hand.

I haven't slammed you guys with any philosophical rumblings in a while ... when the mood strikes, you'll get more. I can only open the door a bit at a time.

Welcome Back!!!

Wow, I totally forgot about these. Talk about not having my camera for A LONG TIME.

Monday, June 30, 2008

More Beach Fun

Stealing time. I was able to steal a good hour of some R&R on the beach this weekend! Always a bonus. I am a week down with pictures having lent my camera to someone who has in turn misplaced it. It'll be interesting to see how it my dynamic works itself out.
It'll be a short week, followed by some Canadian fun hiking and fishing!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Even More Texture

I spent a few serene hours on the beach this Saturday before Scavenger Hunt madness.

I was drawn to the clear water, beige sand and vibrant green pilings ... beautiful.

I'll spare you my usual great quiet beach rant ... but you must agree ... it looks amazing.

Perfect Week

Not only did I get Zucchini Flowers special ordered, but I dined with Angelique.

Sitting on the sidewalk on a cool summer evening, fab fresh food, wonderful wine and great conversation was the recipe for a great evening.

As busy as we all consider life, this is nothing ... relish in it while you still can.

Attention to detail

We all know I love texture. I was drawn to this candle for it's attention to detail.

I'm usually a fan of simple clear glass, but you know what ... over the top tackiness is good every now and again (just not on my table!).

Fab Junk

While this table appears to be ready for the junk pile ... I adore it and actually paid a whole $8 for it.

I like the simply design and attention to detail. The chipping paint can stay. This table was a wedding present from a groom to his bride. Quite touching ... a present from the heart during hard times. The bride kept it by her bedside until she passed.

Destined for a trash bin, I swooped in and gave the table a second chance in life.

Back to basics ... it's where I am.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Little Happiness

I've taken to fresh flowers recently. I feel like they help brighten things up a bit! How can you not love these petite little pink guys?
The power of nature ... bringing the outdoors in.

Christmas Bonus in June

Ok, so I'm a little slow. I FINALLY used my gift card from the holidays. It's always nice to treat oneself to a nice dinner (especially for free).

I was tempted to hold off and celebrate my Christmas in July, but June is much more original.


I really need to go get myself a new battery! I've only been able to longingly gaze at my records from across the room.
How easily a 9V battery can fall off of ones shopping list!

The Call to Duty

Thank you to Nickelodeon for a fun filled HOT Saturday. Slime Across America made it's Philadelphia stop and Penns Landing was briefly transformed into a small childhood playland.
Hmmm ... the word slime evokes thoughts of the river by which the festivities were held.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Outside the Box

I applaud my little sister for thinking way outside the box. She wanted to leave me a magnetic poetry message last time she visited ... much to her dismay sister was not one of the words in my stock pile.
After some serious creative thinking ... she stacked some words and letters 3 magnets deep to find the proper combination.
We can only hope to hold onto this ingenuity as we become rational thinking adults. I don't know ... I think I may have met my match.

Pa pa pa PINK

I'm not even sure I can take myself serious with this fishing gear! The reel actually lights up when spun ... I'll be my own little disco while night fishing. I agree ... very odd indeed.
I can't wait to see how many Bass I can catch with this thing. Who knows maybe I can beat my 27" Pike.


It's a crappy picture, but it was interesting to discover that the Phanatic takes his 4 wheeler tot he upper deck. The sad this is I was a few seconds off ... there are the shadows of 4 children about to run down the ramp after him.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

In your face!

World's greatest cat! Welcome to Pemberton (lovingly refered to as Squeeky). This is his 'will you pet me already' stance (and stop taking my picture)!

For those of you that know him can relate to the following.

He has more metal in his leg than you think. He's OCD and loves to sweep around his food bowl. He LOVES bread. Above all he really likes people and will cuddle with anyone that will let him. Also, the only cat I've known to put Dixon (Nissa's Cat) in her place.

Translates to: World's Greatest Cat

Home Sweet Home

Just a little chalk art to feel at home?!?!!?

I was amazed to come across this. Intriguing yet disturbing all at the same time.

It's all in the details

Check out this hinge... they definitely do not make them like they used too!


Campus is a great place to work in the springtime. I'm still amazed by the great little nooks I stumble across.


For all those that have been subject to my experimentation, I promise I am almost there.
I'm in search of perfecting the best ricotta gnocchi recipe. Of the light, airy and melt in your mouth variety.
I'm almost there...

It's all in the name

While trying a new BBQ haunt by me... I discovered an oddly name Chinese Restaurant.
I took home a menu just because.


Imagine dining here? Enough said.


I love supporting local artists. Welcome to my coasters ... great detail as well as color. Right up my alley.

Ba Beach

Alright ... my record isn't as solid as last year, but I'm on a pretty good pace. The goal is to hit the beach 3 times in June. From the looks of my schedule, I may even get there 4 times!!!

One down!

My favorite part about visiting the beach is the relaxation. I chose small secluded beaches and drive the back roads to get there. How is sitting on the sand / walking the boards with 1000 of your South Jersey friends relaxing. Nah .... this Jersey girl prefers it quiet.

Mom ... it's hot outside!

Cutest little guy ever!
Keeping cool on a HOT HOT HOT June day.

More Crawfish

Thanks to everyone who made this years crawfish boil a great success! As always I had a wonderful time. There was lots of good eats, lots of good drinks and loads of great company.
Already looking forward to next year!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Crappy picture, but it was on the fly. While dining on a warm spring evening at my favorite local mexican establishment... a quick rain left a full rainbow. It was vibrant and completed the full arc!

Great midweek experiance!


I ventured over to Opryland one day for a little pampering. I booked some time at the spa, let me tell you ... it's relaxing just walking into the place.
The spa was nice and treated me well ... complementary champagne while getting my hair done was the perfect end to the experience.

What's a filter?

Post super informal, yet fun wedding reception, we all headed out on the town to a great bar and spent the night drinking and dancing!

The informal wedding was great fun. A nice refreshing change from all the formalities I attend. Not to mention all the great people I met. I love filterless females! Tell me what you think. Put the Philly girl, Chicago girl, DC girl and Nashville ladies together and it is HYSTERICAL!!!


The silly corn soldiers standing gurad at the market can't help but make you smile!
I had to take their picture.

Saturday ... Market... Check!

You can take a girl out of Philly, give her the weekend off, but apparently you cannot keep he away from the farmers market.

I scoped out Nashville and found theirs. It's a great series of buildings and lets the consumer in and out pertaining to their particular need, be it food, goods, dining. Maybe I'm jaded by my life at RTM, but it makes for a slightly more impersonal experience. Part of what I love about RTM is the sensory overload that one can get ... produce stands, butchers, candy shops, sandwich stands all standing together. Separating the goods makes life more efficient, but creates a more mundane experience. I guess this city girl loves the chaos!


Welcome to Nashville. Not an overly exciting skyline, but I must admit my stay was a good time to be had.

This picture was taken from the convertable I was able to cart around in all weekend (thank you to the Avis rep for the awesome free upgrade!)

The building reminds me of batman and is quite an awful icon for any cities skyline.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Eekkk ... I almost forgot!

Lucy is an addition to summer list. I haven't climbed her since I was a child, but I've been fascinated my whole life as to the purpose of her existance!

I found a magazine clipping that I had saved ... stay tuned for pictures of the real thing.

What about the building?

Welcome to the observation deck at the Empire State Building. An exciting yet disappointing excursion.

Exciting to see the site and step foot in such a great architectural landmark. Disappointing that the view was the focus and no information about the building was imparted on this endeavor. To make matters worse the building was under construction, the only homage I could pay to her glory was to look up at the spire. Here's looking at you kid!


The beat up milk can that sits adjacent to my entry is a part of PA history. It was created by the late Claypoole in a fast dying Pennsylvania Dutch tradition.

I love the simplicity of colors intermingled to create a more complex design. The milk can was found at a farmers market. It was under appreciated and under valued ... a small treasure that I took home once I noticed the signature.

Monday, May 19, 2008


My favorite part of springtime! Lots of yummy crawfish.

Crawdad #1

The first crawfish boil of the season went well. The weather couldn't be more perfect!
The kids did a very good job with the sidewalk chalk!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Baseball Buddy

Bobb the Baseball Buddy! We've had a ton of fun thus far at Phillies games. He's part of the reason you've gotten lots of random baseball pictures!

I cannot wait for the fist big tailgate!

More Architecture

Are you tired of the architecture yet? I know, once I start playing outside more the blog will contain more than architecture and baseball!

What an interesting combination.