Monday, October 26, 2009

Big Sister

There has been ALOT of baseball between May and October!

I took my little sister to a Phillies game at the end of the season. Taking a young child to a game is always fun... a totally different perspective than I'm used to.

Sticking with the little sister perspective...

She showed me an essay that she wrote for school discussing her relationship with me over the past 3 years since she joined the Big Brothers Big Sisters program.

Wow ... that about sums it up. I've always been quick to note that it is arguable who gets more out of the situation, me or her. By reading her essay, she understands the depth of what she is getting out of the situation well beyond what I ever imagined. Never underestimate the thought processes of today's youth. While on the surface their thoughts can appear simple / somewhat self absorbed, they really do get everything below the surface.

Missing Again

I've gone missing again ... This time for 5 months?! No excuses / no explaining, it's time to get back to normal.

There is something overly calming about a grey day spent at the shore. I've explained this plenty before in the blog.

Sitting on a rock on a brisk fall evening, wrapped in a sweatshirt and watching the sunset ... there really is no better place. I've always said that I could never live in a state so far removed from the coast. How do those people do it, I wonder? Part of me thinks that they do not know what they are missing, and part of me realizes that they have other things to fill the gap. Not for me though.

Mother nature and her power expressed through the mass expanse of the ocean will always have a special place in my heart.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Springtime tulips, how I love them.

What are you looking at?

I just thought Mr Pelican was funny looking.
He was just hanging out and people watching (he must not have been too hungry).


Welcome to one of my happy places. I've already been able to knock quite a few things off of my summer resolutions list (and I haven't even posted it yet)!

Hmmm .... some quick thoughts of my goals:
Bike riding in Valley Forge National Park
Kayaking trip in western PA
Beach - 10 times
Read at least 10 books: stimulate my mind
Purge things that have been sitting in closets
In Situ exhibit at the MOMA
FLW exhibit at the Guggenheim
Collect old wool sweaters for new projects

That's enough to get me started for now, I haven't really thought about it too much as of yet.


Why buy Gulden's if it's not spicey brown mustard? I had no idea they even made yellow mustard.
Wow, what a hole I must have been in the few decades. Either way, it was an interesting surprise on a recent bar trip.


Happiness in nature! Gotta love the heartshaped rock! Now, if only I can find more time to go hiking in the coming month ...

If not, this will have to hold me over.


Nothing like starting wedding season relaxing in the DR! Man what a May/June, it is booked solid?! I need to sideline all things hobby related, just to fit everything else in. It has been / will be filled with travelling, baseball, crawfish, graduations, weddings, baby showers, new babies, people moving, spring cleaning ...

Things I hope to fit in, bike riding, beach, fishing (I'm not sure there is room for much else.

Beautiful Colors

One of the green roofs as it is growing this spring. It's quite a beautiful display of color and texture.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spring, are you here?

It sure looks like it, too bad the weather keeps running a muck. Although, I must admit the next 4 weeks are filled with FUN activities.

1.5 weeks till I'll be bike riding, fishing and lounging by the pool and ocean in Florida. Gotta love the $39 round trip airline ticket!!!

2 weeks after that I'll be in the Dominican Republic, soaking in the sun and watching a friend get married.

Then another 2 weeks later I'll be in Canada for a fun weekend of hiking, fishing and kayaking!

In between all of this will be a bridal shower, bachelorette party, lots of Baseball, a trip DC, a trip to NYC...


Friday, April 3, 2009

Song Anyone?

A friend's daughter wrote herself a song that she likes to sing. Being a shy girl, she would not sing it , but was more than willing to write it down for me to read.
Simplicity/creativity of children is really quite amazing at times.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Off to the Races

I am a lover of craft. Amazing attention to detail on the small stuff is really what I get into. The small tangible things that have an ability to strike a cord are really worth looking into.

Here are some homemade game pieces ... quite beautiful. I can only hope to remain this crafty as life progresses. I've held onto it for quite some time, but I must admit, it can fall by the wayside if not properly watched after.

Midtown Brunch

Saturday turned out to be a beautiful day in the city. I had a morning appointment followed by brunch, followed by some time in the park, vintage shopping and the museum. Talk about a full day!

I'm so excited that the weather has warmed up (not to mention spending the day getting to walk around in it)!

Shower Present

I finally finished my the gift for my sister. Here is a sampling of the baby onsies I made. I decided to bring a little of the Delaware Valley to good old Tennessee for her. It was a fun project and had been quite a while since I got to do something like this!

Friday, March 27, 2009


I had to survey some doors at work. Gotta love the scenery, walking campus throughout the day is amazing. Although it is very different than working in the city, being in a walkable environment it what is important to me.
I don't think I could survive working in an office building in the middle of suburbia that was surrounded by a parking lot.

What's Old is New Again

My new fav necklace is created from salvaged materials from the 1930s, including the crystal from a Spanish chandelier.

It is truly unique and I've worn it quite a bit lately.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Having grown up in the Delaware Valley, I must admit Scrapple was part of the experiance. While I never bought it myself, I was always open to eating it when offered.

Vrapple, however, is AMAZING! It's vegan scrapple and quite delicious. All ingrediants are identifyiable and locally sourced.

Everyone should try this, you can find it at Reading Terminal and Essene.

Monday, March 23, 2009


She's alive?!?! Well now that I have surfaced, we need to catch up with lost time...there is soooo much going on!