Monday, March 17, 2008

A New Leaf

Change is in the air ...
New job, new car (pics to follow) ... new start.
Lots of resolutions later, I'm on the right track and making time for the important things.
Man, what a differance a year makes... If you sat Diane and I down last year and forecasted the past 12 months... I'm sure we would have laughed at you. Suprisingly, everything turned out for the better and March 08 is shaping up nicely.

Bowl for Kids' Sake

BBBS annual fundraiser, Bowl for Kids' Sake has kicked off.
My little sister and her brother were amoung those selected to roll out the first balls to kick off the event. It was a fun evening spent meeting other Bigs/Littles. We even planned a baseball outing next month.
Thank you to everyone who donated to the cause and special thanks to PECO for their generous donation.

Let's go for a walk...

Talk about unsettling.
I rounded the corner past the art musem and came face to face witht he sculpture.
Once you get over the initial shock it's quite nice. Who knows what wlse I'll find on my wandering around campus.

Flower Show

The Flower Show was most enjoyable (I can not wait until next year ... Italy theme!).

The art of Bonsai is really quite intriguing! To think of how old some of these plants are, in conjunction with their small stature is really amazing.

Not to mention, some flower and bear fruit!

Collegiate Gothic

This girl is calmly sitting and waiting for spring to arrive. WILL IT GET HERE ALREADY?!?!?! Ok, mostly calm! Bike riding, craw dads, softball, the beach, bbq, tailgating, the park, lunches outside ... the excitement is mounting.


Birthday dinners with the architecture crowd are always fun!


Just when you thought you were free!!!
My skate adorned feet at the River Rink!

Ice Skating!!!!

A much loved winter past time!
Thanks to Blue Cross for donating the river rink to Big Brother Big Sisters for a skating session.

Freedom, why are you hiding...

My long sought after freedom has disappeared (or has it been reborn?). My shiney new freedom card has sat in darkness since it was received.

The preacher of mass transit to/from work has bitten the bullet and now drives. Alas, I miss my knitting time, but I enjoy the freedom of my own schedule (and no longer getting my car doors dinged up int he parking lot!)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

You run and you run to catch up with the sun ...

Time ... what is it we are chasing? Why not take time to enjoy things. As the spring starts to get booked with weddings, trips and baseball ... I find myself feeling quite booked. Hahaha... that's partially my fault 37+ baseball games can do that.
I went through my calendar the other day and put a red x through certain days ... my mental health days. As far as I'm concerend they are booked. This will allow me to keep them free and decide what I want to do with them. To many of you that know me, you will laugh and say "you'll just end up at the beach". I can only hope to improve my beach record from last year.
To keeping time to myself! Something that can be hard to remember (plus I need to try hard to take 5 weeks of vacation ... fun days are a good way to do that!)


Commonly referred to as God's bicycle rack ... this building makes me smile at the absurdity of it's nickname.

It makes me yearn for the mind of a child. One that has complex thoughts that are perceived to be simple. Yet the most amazing statements come out.

I spent Sunday playing outside and bbq'ing with my little sis and her brother. Running around with wiffle ball and soccer was soooo much fun. One of hte best parts about being a big sister is getting to run around with the abandon of a child. I had to remove grass stains from my pants and wash the leaves out of my hair ...i CANNOT tell you the last time I had to do that.

To make a spectacular day even better:
While sitting around the dinner table discussing world records and the such, the children were asked if they could be really good at one thing, or do one thing what would it be? The brothers response still amazes me a few days later. Without a second thought he quickly blurted out that he would like to rebuild the world trade center towers exactly as they were by himself. WOW ... talk about your a-typical answer (not the worlds best soccer player).

Kudos to thinking outside the bex and not even knowing it!

More Architecture...

In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. >>>MLK Jr.


I must admit, this is one of the nicest dedication's I've come across. I reigned in my geeky side and did taek a rubbing of the tile pattern.
(I'm sure I'll let myself eventually)

Waiting for Spring

I can't wait to try and explore campus once the trees are blooming and the ground is a little less squishy.

Is it May yet?


Wow, I fell off the train as soon as I jumped back on. Well at least I've been taking the pictures.

Here ya go...