Take your cell phone for example ... I rarely use the all the bells and whistles on it. I basically use the phone, alarm and texting features.
How about computer software ... AutoCAD or even something as simple as MS Word. I use the software more than most, but I still only graze the surface of it's capabilities.
We now come to the new telephone system at the office. Brand new, top of the line technology on an analog phone system. I feel like the new phone system has the capability to control my life (why would anyone want to be that connected). Today's technology creates the misconception that once someone sends you an email, or a voice mail to your cell phone they deserve a response immediately (especially with the "follow me" feature). Why should I drop what I'm currently dealing with to handle your non emergency. I always make it a point to complete one thing before moving onto the next (or at least getting to a stopping point). If we aren't careful, our lives can become consumed with a million little things that get interrupted before the last 5% is completed.
Why succumb to technology? I'm not a puppet to everyone else. When I get to your issue, it'll be at the appropriate time. I only check the office email 3 times a day ... that way I'm not even tempted to deal with it until I'm ready.
Everyone working with me knows... if it's an emergency, pick up the phone and call.
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