The well planned Trish thought it would be intelligent to travel to PA on Thursday evening. This way I could drop off all camping stuff and take the train to and from town on Friday (thus allowing the group to leave for camping at a more exact time).
I got on 76 at 11:30 and did not get off until 4am! I was just around the bend behind the accident that closed the road until 5 am. I only got off an hour earlier b/c I drove Eastbound in the Westbound shoulder back to the previous exit. This few mile trip started at 2:15 and lasted until 4 am!
To add salt to already tired wounds ... my 1 hour train trip to the city lasted about 4. A tree fell on the lines a few miles ahead rendering all but one of four tracks useless. Let's just say I got to the train station at 9 am and got to the office at 2 pm! The ultimate irony... I was running after a SEPTA deadline in the office.
Wish me luck on my return trip... camping will bring some much needed rest and relaxation!
BTW, I'm seriously considering becoming a hermit, or at least sticking to NJ... where the State Troopers know how to empty a highway. Seriously, in an emergency the State Police dropped the ball big time. There was one local municipality officer moving tractor trailers to the shoulder and telling cars to turn around. The State couldn't pony up a few officers for their road? NO ONE SHOULD SIT FOR 4.5 HOURS ... DIRECT EVERYONE OFF THE ROAD. We were only talking about a 2.5 mile trip!
Yes, I'm cranky and severely tired. Please excuse me.
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