Friday, December 21, 2007

Another Day, Another Door

What a Fabulous week! There is a nice chill in the air. Holiday music is on my mind. Many wonderful thoughts abound.

Yesterday was a special day for me. I helped the family I adopted for the holidays, and let me tell you; it could not have gone better.

Last week I had gotten the girls some toys, books and craft items. Yesterday I met with the mother, had some coffee and chatted for a while. Then she and I went shopping for coats, gloves and some clothing for the girls.

It was really sweet how much the mother opened up ... she was glad that I was willing to help without judging her situation.

I'm glad she was willing to ask for help. Not everyone has to be living in squalor to need help. There is a lot this family was thankful for, but the extras like presents just weren't able to happen this year.

I believe in the notion of Santa... I believe that he lives within each of us. If you so choose you can be someone's angel. Skeptics will say that I may have been taken advantage of do they know? I understand that, given today's society... one cannot be too careful. But I whole heartedly believe that it should in no way stop us from helping one another out. Helping others is not about what you receive in the end, it's about what you give. Yes, I gave this woman presents ... more so I gave her my time. I sat and listened, I sat and talked. I gave her the hope that her 3 months of misfortune will turn around. I allowed a small child who still believes in Santa to have a Christmas.

It's arguable whom got more out of the experience. Again, we cannot change society unless we change ourselves. Give someone hope this holiday... it'll mean more than any fancy gaming system could ever give you.

No Bushes... No Problem

This urban dweller decorated their front column. It looks quite nice.

How I love the holiday season!


One Trish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

This girl LOVES cookies. I've been known to have an evening snack at the bookstore of a cookie and a glass of milk! Coworkers find it cute and quite frankly I find it delicious.

A coworker made a fresh batch of cookies and left me a present.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Tired Hostess

Sunday was a bit tiring. Tired eyes ... head wrap and a long nap in the living room was a perfect way to recoup.

Sigh... what a great weekend, i was sad to see it go.

Happy Place

I realize there are lots of empty dishes... but that's a sign of a great dinner party!

Drum Roll Please!

Tada.... Fab tree. It looks great. Nice and full and fills the space beautifully!

Great shape to.

Thanks to everyone who partook in the fun!

Wine, Good Friends, Great Food!

I always love the dinner parties!

Fab Menu included:

App: Antipasto Platter
Pinwheels with Ham and Spinach
White Bean Hummus

Course 1: Butternut Squash Soup
Course 2: Mixed Greens with Pear, Gorgonzola, Pecans and Balsamic Dressing
Intermezzo: Orange Sherbet
Main Course: Cannelloni (with spinich, beef, cheese and a blush sauce ... made with homemade crepes)
Dessert: Chocolate Bark

Of course there was lots of yummy wine!!! ... and some great music!

Tree in Progress

Some old favorites were hung on the tree this past weekend along with some new goodies.

The top left is an ornament I got while cruising in bermuda (see the pink/gold ribbon). The snowman my mother made while I was a small child. The pic of me was made by Lique and has adorned my tree for 4 years now (wow... I can't believe it's been that long!). There are many others too ...

Hmmmm.... happiness!

Busy Busy Day

After working at the market and decorating tree #1. ... it was time for my own fun.

It was my tree decorating party / dinner party. These 2 fab ladies helped out in the kitchen while dancing up a storm! Look at Nissa go with those crepes.

Friends around the holidays are wonderful!

Tree #1

My little sis and I decorated the first tree of the season.

It's a little skinny, but perfect for what we needed. And for $10, it really couldn't be beat! I love love love tree decorating (and was quite partial to the magenta ornaments!).

A little behind

Ok... this house was free of holiday decoration. However, leftover fall guords were still out and about.

I also know of one house that has some pumpkins still out front. It may be time to trow them away!

Charlie Brown Style

This one happens to be a favorite ...

Christmas balls on the street trees! Pretty clever and it looks good in the daytime!

Independent Woman

A good book, a glass of wine, lot's of water ... and a good meal.

Dining out by oneself can be supremely relaxing.
I highly enjoy it ...

Da Doors

Doors seem to be the typical adornment. Lot's of wreathes around town.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

City Decorations

I decided to take pictures of urban decorations. Since people cannot get out of control... these are kind of sweet little hints of the holidays.

Ham it up...

I couldn't resist posting this one!

No explanation needed here!


Gosh, I'm so far behind ... I'm sure you've seen the pics of the decorated tree.

I took my little sister to help select the tree. It was a thumbs down, thumbs up process till we came across the perfect match.

Something so simple as picking out a tree: it was so fun trying to do it without speaking. To have the ingenuity of a child!

Work, Museum, Drinks, Dinner, More Drinks

Ok... so this was many moons ago, but a fabulous way to kick off the holiday season. I've decided to make the holiday ... "all things fun".

What are presents anyway? How many more candles, earrings and sweaters could I possibly use.

Time is precious... and I've decided that holidays should be about time and fun! (Moving into end of year resolutions if you will)

Operation "All things fun" does not involve long lines or the local mall (thank goodness... I get my fill of holiday retail working at RTM and the bookstore).

Mission one was a HUGE success. Friday was a half day spent at the museum, then off to drinks at Brigids, then more drinks at Monks ... followed by fabulous dinner at La Viola, and more time spent with friends!

What an exhilarating day!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Another Philly Night

Apparently I've moved on from trees to fuzzy nighttime pictures!

Anyway last night was a great evening ... Wine and Cheese with Lique, Bookclub and dinner with the ladies, sitting by the fire and an ornament exchange.

Wine, Cheese, Food, Fire, Ornaments and Ernest Hemingway ... what more could a girl ask for.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

The world as I see it...

Literally, this out of focus picture is how I see the world without my glasses! It really is beautiful. At times, I remove my glasses to enjoy the beauty of it all.

My evening walk to the train is one of the best commutes! Chilly air, snow falling, the quietness of the small block in a bustling Center City neighborhood ... how could I not love it!

New Beginnings

If a plant can flower this time of year... I can continue on my path. My path being self worth. Taking the time to slow down and aknowledge those around you and help those in need. I will continue to do what I can one small step at a time. On and individual scale I enjoy making a persons day.

This week I've:
Given the homeless man in the cold the rest of my hot tea, scrapping the window of the person next to me at the train station so they didn't have to use their jacket, helping an old lady out of a cab, donate an unused winter coat to a woman in need. Going the extra mile for strangers truly shocks them. Most people don't expect the help and how can I blame them. We all travel though life within a giant skeptical bubble. Why not make it a perforated bubble? Let a little air in, you'll see ... you breath easier.

Little Things

Every now and again a girl has to treat herself. Thankfully, I enjoy treating myself to small pleasures (no expensive shoe habits here!). My small pleasure that I allow myself only a few times a year is a dark chocolate champagne truffle!!! Mmmm.... I can still taste it.

I'll have fond memories to keep me warm in the chilly weather ahead.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Ice, Rain and COLD

It was a COLD miserable day for a football game. The game pretty much followed suit with the weather.

I'm glad I missed the end ...


I've decided to throw myself completely into the spirit of the holidays.

While trying to decide what to do for friends and family; I came to the realization that everyone has everything, for the most part. I've decided to take the money I've set aside for presents and adopt a local family in need. I've found my family and have been corresponding with the mother.

I'd like to thank everyone whose "present" will help me give christmas to a family who might otherwise go without.

Shhhhh ...don't get too loud

I attended the Sixers - Wizards game on Friday. It was interesting to say the least. The crowd was quiet... Nikki remarked at one point that she felt like we were in the library! The game moved slow, but at least they won.

They had the potential to blow it. Thankfully the final second shot from Washington did not make it.

It's not the same as the games I went to 3-4 years ago, but it was fun (especially since it was free).

Old Graphics

PATCO has started adorning their trains with their new logo, the P in motion.

This image pays homage to the original train decal. I really like it's simplicity and the stark black white and red design.

The new logo is fancier and I admit will take some getting used to.

NYC Company

Favorite NYC company. Miss Livingston! Although, due to pedestrian traffic, our trip was truffle free, it was still memorable.

Post tree lighting ... let's get a beer.

LED lights

It was the first year the tree was adorned with LED lights. There are a TON of lights on the tree. How I love the holiday times! I can't wait to decorate my own house and tree!

Tree Lighting

Our neighbors at the NYC tree lighting ... a fun chilly evening.

Poor planning on the networks fault... the entertainment stopped for commercial breaks.