Then there was the dreaded Patty in 5th grade...grrrrr. How I now despise that name. Then, a certain someone in highschool who called me Pat. He was the only one allowed. How can we forget the lovely ladies who dubbed me Tush for quite some time. Another lovely lady has taken to calling me Squish (which I kind of like). My bosses have reverted to old faithful, Patricia.
But, I'm attached to Trish. Many of you who know me, know that my signature is somewhat of a tag: just TRISH. You also know that my tag carries across into email as well... I sign everything with 3 carrots and all caps >>>TRISH (a lame computer attempt at my tag).
So, name in the sand. This used to be my favorite past time at the beach. As soon as I got to the beach, I'd put out my blanket and write my name in the sand. When it was time to leave, mother nature would always absorb my name.
June has been a very good month. 4 trips to the shore (plus one in May). I'm working hard at my resolution!
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