Friday, August 29, 2008

Working Hard

This picture is from a nice late winter / early spring day. We hiked to deep southern NJ to review a roofing contractors installation.

It came through in my email earlier today... look at the long hair!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

For good measure

Another campus photo.

Life has been a bit stressful lately. It's to be expected, lots of change can bring lots of adjustment.

I'm pretty successful not letting other people's stress get to me. I just need to stay the course and I'll be ok.

It doesn't get much better...

Deep conversation while lounging in the grass. What more could a girl ask for?

Ba ba bride.

The road trip to CT was a ton of fun. Pictured is the beautiful bride to be opening her presents.

Road tripping with the ladies is always a good time. Some great girl talk, the ever present intervention ... you know, the usual.

Great Times

There is nothing better than a camp / bonfire. I look forward to many more in the future.


I think I may also be addicted to grass?!

It's so pedestrian, yet really can be beautiful. Gosh, what a whirlwind this summer has presented.

Weddings, beaches, fishing, haircuts, surgery, NYC, Nashville, lots of baseball.

The most exciting part is the change to come.

Goodbye Old Friend

I actually parted with the little red Phillies BBQ. As many of you may know, I've been purging my life.

What a great feeling it is. Goodbye extra clothing, shoes, yarn, fabric, chairs (I KNOW) and lots of stuff. Basically, I've purged things that have been stowed in closets and boxes.

I actually think I may be addicted to streamlining my life. I love it so much!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Let me tell you, my addiction is nearing its end. I special ordered myself another batch of zucchini flowers and I cannot wait to go cook them!

It's the end of their season, so I think I will have to dream about them until next summer.

Sweet dreams...

Monday, August 4, 2008

Good Old Days

Wow, I found some pictures from many moons ago! My 21st birthday...

Life is Good

As usual, simplicity. Just when I thought I was back to basics, I decided to take another step back.

Moving forward to get back to where I want to be. It's the motto of the summer.

Simple pleasures, I'm not hard to please.


This photo brings me back to my childhood. I remember a seagull swooping down and taking my pb and jelly right out of my hand.

I haven't slammed you guys with any philosophical rumblings in a while ... when the mood strikes, you'll get more. I can only open the door a bit at a time.

Welcome Back!!!

Wow, I totally forgot about these. Talk about not having my camera for A LONG TIME.