Friday, September 28, 2007
Wishing !
It's nice to see something that brings out the good in people. Everyone should check it out. Who knows maybe you can put a smile on someone's face.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
New Blog...
Weirdos... I should start a new blog.
How is it that all of a sudden I'm overly attainable to people? Do I have the following tattooed on my forehead: "If you are a weird person, please hit on me in a non normal way."
Last night at the bookstore, I covered a dinner break and worked in music. Music had been playing Coltrane's A Love Supreme as the in store play. Yes, I know, GREAT SELECTION. So I'm working, and this mid 40 guy comes in raving about the music. I direct him to the album on the rack. He starts going on and on about how crappy the music usually is. I tell him the music manager is here, and he selected the Coltrane. Regardless, the overly excited guy asked me to dinner. WHO DOES THAT?!?!?
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
I double dare you ...
I challenge you to smile every time you look someone in the eye. It's addicting.
I challenge you to enjoy everything you do. Even if it's not an enjoyable feat.
I challenge you to relax, turn off the tv, get off the computer, sit and read a book. Turn the cell off and don't think about work. It's so nice if you can do it.
I challenge you to challenge yourself.
I challenge you to have intelligent conversations, use big words. Don't dumb yourself down for's not worth it. If they don't know a word, teach it to them. No one is above learning.
Summer / Fall Resolutions
Since the weather is reminiscent of summer and my picture reminds me of the coast... we're transitioning this conversation into resolutions. (talk about a stretch!!!)
Since I did such a good job with my summer resolutions, I've decided to extend them into fall!!!
Part II is mainly tackled into the fall... so far we have:
Camping / Fall Festival at Jim Thorpe / Zern's / Beer Fest at Lake Harmony / Cranberry Fest / Nighttime hayride and bonfire / final Phillies tailgating / King Tut / Rodin Museum
That will keep me busy until Thanksgiving. Then I get to develop my wintertime list!
If anyone is interested in any of these activities, let me know.
Pennsylvania +25 points
25 cent bowling has helped PA rise on the map. A nice little suburban bowling center offers Monday night bowling for 25 cent games and 25 cent shoe rentals. I was impressed... the best I've ever seen in NJ was $1.
One of these Mondays you'll catch me there for quarter bowling.
Monday, September 24, 2007
In typical Trish fashion, Saturday was the longest day ever, and didn't end until the wee hours of Sunday. After working at the market, lunch with the ladies, getting my nails done, I relaxed and read a little, went to a nice dinner... then ended the night at a birthday party in town. Urban rooftops always make way for a great time.
Changing skyline... I have yet to get used to it. Between the Comcast tower and the Symphany house (with it's green lights on the left side of the picture) ... Philadelphia is growing up. Hopefully it can get through it's cranky teenage years and really turn into a sophisticated place.
So, I've planned myself a camping trip in a few weeks. I've decided to write it into the blog so that it'll actually happens. We all have to agree that I have a pretty good track record with the summer resolutions! Hopefully, I'll be able to gather some friends ... but this stubborn girl is going camping with or without company!
Friendly reminder... the Cranberry Festival is fast approaching!
Week of insults / come ons
So, apparently I'm more Jersey than I think. Somehow, I'm not exactly sure when this happened, I exude an air of good old jersey white trash. That must be the only explanation.
Walking out of a meeting last week in a button up and sweater (quite conservative) ... a guy on the street proceeds to comment that I have great breasts?!?!? Yes, we all know that... I don't need a stranger telling me this.
Then the following day, while helping a customer at the bookstore over the phone...the guy asks me if I have kids. I side step the question, finish his order...the guy tells me if I don't have kids he'd like to take me to lunch. What??? A 2 minute telephone conversation about an order, and I'm asked to lunch. Also, I'm ok to date as long as I don't bring any single parent drama to the table (to a nice respectable Camden gentleman...).
Saturday has to be the best/most insulting. Clara (my 9 year old little sister), Diane and I went to lunch. While walking out of the restaurant, I hold the door for the guy walking behind us. He proceeds to tell me I look nice, then ask me if I'm a dancer. THEN...he repeats himself by saying, "I'm going to be bold, but must be a dancer, right. You look very nice". While throwing me a wink, and lets just say not looking me in the eye. Mind you, I have a very pregnant friend and a 9 year old in tow. Gotta love Diane, she is quick to point out that I don't exactly have the ballerina body. Yes, I may have curves, but that DOES NOT MAKE ME A STRIPPER! Shocking, I know! (mind you, I was wearing a black cotton dress, flat black sandles, no make up and my hair was down...pretty plain).
I almost prefer it when I've been invisible / intimidating the past 5 years. Life was less insulting.
Welcome to the Club
Congrats to Ana on her newly acquired citizenship! She quickly learned all about redtape ...before she can go home to the DR for the holidays she now has to get her US passport. Hopefully they can process everything in time.
Ladies night with Ana is ALWAYS a great time. Usually it involves getting dressed up, a good meal, mojitos and latin dancing! Friday was more casual, but plans are in the works.
We closed our evening at Starbucks... I was impressed that our table came with its own Bonsai plant...
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Climbing Away
I learned at a very early age to take the stairs and take them seriously. No running around, and no short cuts.
I used to enjoy riding the stairs slip and slide style. You know, head first on your stomach, arms outstretched. Someone knocked into me once, unexpectedly, and I bit my lip so hard, the scar is still there 20 years later.
I still take the stairs with the carefreeness of a child, I just take notice of my surroundings. Things can easily knock you off, but if you're paying attention ... hopefully you can avert disaster.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Thinking Man ; )
This mini graffiti made me think of my quote from yesterday. It's actually drawn on the concrete wall in the park... gotta love the texture.
So, at times recently, yes, I have felt like I'm missing it all .. no matter how careful I am. There has to be some things slipping through the cracks. But you know what, I must disagree ... this all really matters. The everyday, who we are in the here and now, I believe, has a profound impact on our future. Think long and hard about what you are up to, what the consequences are... and if this is really where you want to be. You may not be there, but that shouldn't stop you from being the person you want to be. Surroundings are just that, superfluous gobbledygook that clouds our vision.
Sigh...enough for today...
Think Man Think...
Just remember, the same as a spectacular Vogue magazine, remember that no matter how close you follow the jumps: Continues on page whatever. No matter how careful you are, there's going to be the sense you missed something, the collapsed feeling under your skin that you didn't experience it all. There's that fallen heart feeling that you rushed right through the moments where you should've been paying attention. Well, get used to that feeling. That's how your whole life will feel someday. This is all practice. None of this matters. We're just warming up. >>> Chuck Palahniuk
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Ladies Night
Gina and I had a ladies night in.
She came over, we ate scrumptious leftovers accompanied with some fine PA beer and watched football. Then, in typical Trish fashion, baked a lemon cake.
The only downer of the evening was the birds performance, but that was overshadowed by the good company and conversation.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
Surf's Up
Adventerous Little Birdy
This little bird was entertaining while lunching in the Park with friends. He had his eye on Vic's sandwich and wouldn't let up!
It was a comical break in the day.
New quote:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” >>> Maryanne Williamson as quoted by Nelson Mandela
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
I escaped to my happy place yesterday. The power the shore has over me is truly amazing. I went and sat on the beach for a while and cleared my mind.
The overcast day fit my state perfectly. Things were cloudy and a little out of focus.
In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. > Albert Camus
Monday, September 10, 2007
Unfortunately, I lost a loved one today. My great Uncle passed this morning, and my sadness runs deep.
Uncle Joe was responsible for carrying on many Italian traditions within the family (more notably, teaching me about them). He took me to the Italian market for the first time and taught me how to cook the 7 fishes feast for Christmas eve. Sadly I never got to learn how to make my great grandmothers ravioli, but his descriptions of it will make my mouth water for a lifetime.
He was a teacher, both in my life, and in many public school children's lives. He had a fond appreciation for fine art and opera. He supported my loves from day one. Every time I went to visit him, he'd go into his office, pull out a tin of 8 crayons and put me to work creating art for his fridge. After moving to the city for college, he'd still hand me the crayons and give me a hard time that the artwork was to slow in coming!
He even called the Italian family in Italy when I spent a semester abroad. I was able to meet them and still talk to them thanks to Uncle Joe.
Today's post is in memory of Uncle Joe: a well loved highly missed man. I find solace in the fact that my Pop pop is waiting to greet him in heaven.
We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us.
-Charles Bukowski
We've also just recently celebrated our 1 year anniversary together. She's taught me so much, as I have taught her. We are invaluable to one another...I'm looking forward to another great year!
4 for One
Friday, September 7, 2007
Design ?!?!?
I want relations which are not purely personal, based on purely personal qualities; but relations based upon some unanimous accord in truth or belief, and a harmony of purpose, rather than of personality. I am weary of personality. Let us be easy and impersonal, not forever fingering over our souls, and the souls of our aquaintances, but trying to create a new life, a new common life, a new complete tree of life from roots that are within us.
>>> D.H. Lawrence
New Toy
Apparently, I'm unable to give into the hip trendy realm of Apple. I got a new MP3 player, and no... it's not an ipod. Call me crazy / old fashioned, but this girl likes to listen to the radio on occasion. This sole like keeps me from buying Apple.
The strange, slightly sad thing, is that this girl is Apple's target market group. Who knows, maybe I'm too creative and outside the norm...
Ha, yeah right. In the mean time... I will continue to motor on with my PC and MP3 player complete with it's own FM radio (think I can squeeze a record into it!!!).
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Lazy Lunch
Fishing Part 2
Fish...where are you?
This picture was taken not long after I caught the bass. Nighttime fishing can be a lot of fun (much harder to see what you are doing---especially for a novice). There is about an hour post sunset before the bugs come out full force!