Friday, August 31, 2007

Life is life, and kind is kind

They danced down the streets like dingledodies, and I shambled after as I've been doing all my life after people who interest me, because the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones that never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes "Awww!"

On the Road - Jack Kerouac

Thursday, August 30, 2007


I stood on the edge for a while...and rather than taking the leap, jumping off...I turned around, spread my arms, fell backwards and let the wind take me. No one was there to catch me, which is for the better. I came down on my up, looked up at the cliff...shrugged...brushed the dirt off and went on my way.

It's the only thing I knew I had to do.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Day of Distractions

Wow, where has the day gone. After a taxing evening I had a super full day. The morning / early afternoon was spent on site surveying a SEPTA station. This translates to hot unkempt conditions. Lunch in East Falls, then back to the office to cram in some more work. The office took a 15 minute breather to embrace our inner voyeurs. We watched the crew film a scene across the street from the office. Note: Mark Wahlberg helping the little girl onto the bus.

It was a nice break in the long ass day!

Back to work, home, then off to the bookstore! Is it the holiday weekend yet?

Garden of UCI+A

Continuing with my inner serenity as noted in the last post... I lunched on the office deck yesterday. Overall my day went well... the little bug joined me and I decided to take the picture. I'll save you all my inner monologue, but lunch was very relaxing and tranquil amongst the craziness that inhabits this city.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


As many of you know my first true love was with the beach. Many young kids found their first boyfriends and girlfriends ... I found the sand.

I still have a deep devotion to the shore. Many may think it's a jaded view, but I like to think of it as an insider's perspective. I know of the quiet places. Those small pockets of serenity that many people will never see in a lifetime at the Jersey shore.

Climbing the lighthouse on a cool windy afternoon and picnicing over the dunes (as an adult, as a child with my family or as a teenager with Gina and Charles!!!) is still pure bliss. Calm and reflective, that's how I am at the beach. I needed it, so I hopped in the car and went. 45 minutes later, I got the balance I sought, and left

It doesn't take much... but if you know where your happy place it, it's priceless.


Surprise visitors and surprise dinner. What a great spontaneous Sunday.

Go ahead, slap me now. I'm beginning to get annoyed at my chipper attitude!

You mean I have to wait a month?!?!?!

Same pic different game. I think it's time to clean up my severely worn Phillies sneaks. It's not time to retire them yet, just let me give them the TLC they deserve!

The next tailgate will be Saturday September 29th ... mark you calendars!!! After that we'll have to wait 7 months for the next season to begin.

Keep your eyes and ears peeled for info on Eagles tailgating!

Tailgating = Rule Breaking

Tiff and Matt are amazing tailgaters, as usual. Matt's expression is a direct result of Brett Myers inability to close the game without losing it for us! Sigh... if only they had played Sunday's game on Saturday... we'd be able to see the Padres get spanked!


Disclaimer: These photos are property of Christopher Stapleton.

Welcome to extreme tailgating.

Props to everyone who made it out in the oppressive heat!!! You're all champs. As always we embarked on the wiffle ball game. You can see Chris chugging and me doing my dizzy spins! A great time, as always (we even invaded the bachelor party to challenge the guys to a round!)

Friday, August 24, 2007

Life is Good

Yesterday was pure bliss (so much so, that I didn't even mind sitting in traffic!).

Lique and I lunched in the park...and it was just marvelous. The weather was beautiful, the park was alive but calm. We sat and chatted for a good hour about life.

It felt so good to spend the time outside...the rain has been prohibiting it for a little while now.

Maybe my happiness stems from the excitement for Saturday's tailgate, or seeing Ana this evening ... both great indulgences!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Are we there yet???


I'm like a little kid waiting for her first trip to Disney World. It can't come fast enough ... I'm so freaking excited!!!


A friend sent a very intriguing letter questioning what I was passionate about...and how I came to this conclusion. My passions lie in the everyday and the ordinary. Some time ago I realized we were all hurtling ourselves down the road of life at dangerously high speeds without seatbelts and sadly, with blinders on. What for? Just because we had some preconceived notion about what we should be doing... we had these invisible check lists that we were racing to finish. At this point...I pulled the brake, gripped the steering wheel, yanked off the blinders and threw the check list out the window. At let me tell you...what a ride.

I take in my environment... I do what makes me happy .... I no longer allow petty bullshit into my life. I'm not obligated to maintain friendships just because... if people have changed, I let them drift away. I've come to realize I can only do what I can, and cannot perform miracles (nor should I try). I now feel like a huge weight has been lifted and I surround myself with like minded people. I'm constantly chasing after my own personal growth. I'm tremendously excited that my education is completely up to me at this point. How I choose to enlighten myself will have a direct effect on the individual I am striving to be.

Now onto my passions... what I live for. A good book, laying outside in the rain, playing catch barefoot in the grass, relaxing at the beach, home cooked meals eaten at the dining room table, good conversation, my art, music, volunteering (being a big sister), tailgating, savoring a glass of wine with a friend... The list can go on forever. But's the ordinary and the everyday. The small things that put a smile on your face, or lend themselves to a smirk as they float by.

The senses have a great impact on me. Smells conjure up fond memories of times past, touch has me longing for new textures, taste...well we all know I'm a foodie, hearing allows me to drift off into my own world via music, and seeing is the wonderful result of ridding my world of blinders ... lay in the grass and look at the world up through the trees.

I, by no means have it all figured out, but I feel good about where I am and where I'm going.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

First Tailgate/Ballgame!!!

Baby Stapleton attended his first tailgate / baseball game with us!!! I can't wait until he can do dizzy bat spins with us old folks!

Yeah to this exciting first!


Summertime really was made for baseball. Me and my red shoes concur. Try it... it's loads of fun. See you all this weekend!!!

Drink Up!!!!

Let the games begin...

Drum Roll Please

Only a week late, but here are the tailgating pictures. Why don't we say...I delayed posting the images to entice everyone to come out this weekend!

What a great time!

Friday, August 17, 2007


Post an impromptu design meeting at an Engineer's office: I decided to walk back to my office by way of Washington Square. I was really taken with the Revolutionary War Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. It was great weather, the breeze was blowing and the sun was shining through the trees while Washington stands guard over the eternal flame. It's amazing to think those people lost their lives 230 years ago so that we could be free.


>>>Washington Farewell Address

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Make Way for Slow Pokes

So, I think I finally caught up. Well, minus the tailgating pictures! I got a garden turtle while in Pittsburgh, so, maybe he is responsible for my posting tardiness! :) After putting him outside, I decided that he was too cool to be forgotten. Now, Mr Turtle resides on my nightstand ... guardian to some very special things.

Home Sweet Home

I grew up about a mile from this fine Cherry Hill attraction. It was visable from the NJ turnpike (well still is).

Sad, but true...this water tower is one of the town's icons... sigh ... welcome to suburbia.

For inexplicable reasons... this water tower conjures up images of my childhood. Passing it every day on my way to elementary school. I was fascinated with the idea that someone could actually climb to the top of it.

The fond memories of life in Cherry Hill, riding bikes, running around the woods, playing at the park all help make this water tower beautiful for me. (even though it can not compare to the wood barrels in Philly)

Stolen Picture

No, I did not take this picture, but I wanted to pay homage to a wonderful evening. Sae and Kevin made my first experience at Cork something truly fun and amazing.

The fun casual conversation, the wonderful food, and the good wine ... it can't really be beat.

I highly recommend this Westmont restaurant. Cheers!

No Thank You

In an effort to get more posts up... I'm uploading my pictures out of order. There will be tailgating pictures shortly.

As pictured, the food truck people have a job I would never covet. Working in a tin can out in the summer heat... all the while cooking on a grill. No, thank you. Kudos to the people who are able to pull it off.

I hope everyone is enjoying the weather... I find it amazing!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Incognito Fencing

Yes, I'm alive. I know it's been 5 days since my last post (haha...I feel like I'm at confession, "forgive me father, for I have sinned, it's been 5 days since my last post"!)

Anyway... I've been walking past this fence on my way to work for years now. Quite frankly I've never noticed it. While walking on the opposite side I finally took notice, and was nearly stopped dead in my tracks. It's amazing how we can look straight through things at times. For the past few years, this fence could have been cheap chain link as far as I was concerned. In reality it's beautiful and has quite amazing craft.

I feel like the fence at times, like people that have been in my life for years look merely at the surface and straight on through. In reality, I'm much deeper. Go on...take a look inside, it'll amaze you (it still amazes me, and I've been looking in for my whole life).

Thursday, August 9, 2007

New View

Things are looking up ... literally! (no need to laugh at my cheeseyness). I've switched desks again at the office, this time I get the gigantic skylight. The blog has been free of urban environment pictures for about a week now...I'll work on that. Life has just been crazy, I haven't been getting out and about as much as usual.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

When it Rains it Pours

Oh how I love the rain.

Sunday, I actually laid in the grass during the summer rain for about 5 minutes. I used to love the summer rains as a child. Especially during my time at the shore. Just laying there, relaxing feeling the light tap of the rain hit me all over, sensing the cool / heat effect ... it's heaven.

The past few days have been quite the run of good luck, and I'm happily embracing it (maybe I should play the lottery ...ha!). Ridding myself of the shitty karma train has really paid off.

I've had to send the alf umbrella into semi retirement. His young agile replacement is the bumble bee/ flower pictured. Such a sad day turned into many many great things.

Wouldn't you like to know!

Monday, August 6, 2007


I got my wings today!

Once the redness and irritation heals itself and the leftover temp outlining fades I'll have a new birth mark; my wings.

It'll be a quiet reminder to chase my dreams and live the reality that is my life.

Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free. >>> Jim Morrison

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Rolling Rolling....Rolling

Post ceremony the group hung out until the wee hours in the morning! Kudos to Patty in having the courage to join me in childhood bliss. We channeled our inner 8 year olds and went rolling down the hills a few times. It was such a rush we were laughing the whole time.

Wild Wonderful WV Wedding

Quote of the day "Many people think of marriage as a twosome, in reality marriage is a threesome" - priest during wedding ceremony

Congrats to Olivia and Bobb, I wish you many years of wedded bliss!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

What a Week

Post freedom celebration!!!... we headed to West Viginia. On the way, we stopped at the Phipps Conservatory to check out the Dale Chihuly installation (after some food and wine at a wonderful Italian BYO).

Nestled in the lush gardens are amazing glass works. It truly is amazing, everyone should make the trip to see it before it leaves in November. We got evening tickets, so it was neat to see the sun setting and the glass change from natural light to artificial.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Dirty Ho

Apparently who I presumed to be the Phanatics Mrs. is a dirty ho.

She lusted after the guard and gave him flowers...all the while the Phanatic was trying to catch her attention. Alas, he succumbed to beating his head on his ATV and speeding off saying...who needs her.
Poor guy...

Patty vs. Trish

Welcome to wiffle ball: tailgating style. Patty and I lead off the teams (I the red team and Patty the blue team). The red and blue teams are thanks to Target and their lack of real wiffle ball! The bats were REALLY SHORT.

As noted in the last tailgating blog...step one is to chug a beer out of the bat, step two involves 5 dizzy bat spins, step three is to hit a ball being pitched at you!

Mark your calendars! August 11th will be a mini tailgate (the North Jersey crew won't be down) and August 25th will be the next big one!