You may be saying to yourself...what does this girl have to complain about? She's smart, beautiful, responsible, caring... blah,blah,blah. Well, let me tell you: March fucking sucks. Have you ever felt like the rug has been ripped out from beneath your feet? Or like you've been slammed into from behind by a tractor trailer. That's been my life the past 2 weeks.
So, that brings us to the first picture. The angel ...very innocently sitting, observing...going about its life. The little devil in the background has reared it's head...it's climbing up after our angel...ready to choke the life out of her.
It's changing her life forever... I know there's a very special lady in my life who agrees...March fucking sucks...
I'm not sure what I did to deserve this, but it can only get better from here! Karma is a bitch. I find solace in the notion that this karma will follow interested parties to their grave. It will appear in their lives much later...at a time when it's much harder to recover.
It's time to come up for air.